ME310 Master’s Degree Innovation by Design

A 9-month team project to learn how to design an innovative product or service with a partner company using user-centred design. 

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ME310 Master’s Degree Innovation by Design

A 9-month team project to learn how to design an innovative product or service with a partner company using user-centred design. 

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Logo CPF

ME310 Master’s Degree Innovation by Design

A 9-month team project to learn how to design an innovative product or service with a partner company using user-centred design. 

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Logo CPF

9 month

(September – July)


RNCP level 7

(recognised by the state)


French & English

3 travels



East Paris campus

(Ecole des Ponts Paristech)


RNCP niveau 7

(équivalent bac+5)



9 mois 

(Septembre – Juillet)

3 voyages

à l’international


Français & Anglais


Campus paris Est

(Ecole des Ponts Paristech)

What is the ME310 ?

The ME310, a last year master’s degree level program from the Paris, derived from the eponymous program at Stanford University, offers training and experience in user-centred innovation. For nine months, teams of 3 to 4 students, composed of members from diverse backgrounds, collaborate with partner companies on professional projects. This approach promotes learning by doing, enabling students to gain experience and expertise in the field of Innovation and Design, while working in an international context with one of the 15 partner teams worldwide (Stanford University or SUGAR Network). 

Who is the program for ? 

To students from bac +4 level

To professionals in career transition

To graduates for specialization

To entrepreneurs seeking know-how

And from which background ? 


Business & Management

Humanities and Social Sciences

Sciences humaines et sociales

What are the objectives of the training ?

The purpose of the program is to move beyond “paper projects”. Students shift from training to action: going into the field to identify problems faced by their users, learning to prototype product and service experiences, and confronting and testing their ideas with the end-users for whom they are innovating. 

Master user-centred design by practicing it

Manage a project and prepare for the professional world

Create innovative and impactful products and services

Develop skills and cultivate the mindset of a designer

Organisation of the training

The program follows the innovation process by Design Thinking in 3 main phases. The inspiration phase, which involves understanding and observing users. The iteration phase, which involves generating ideas that will be systematically prototyped and tested. The implementation phase, which includes transmitting the project through storytelling, a pilot product or service, and the development of a viable business model. 


Furthermore, the year is punctuated by various events and trips related to international collaboration as well as presentations to partner companies. 

Our former students: careers and opportunities

The ME310 program at Paris is much more than a strategic certification – it is also a human adventure that has trained multidisciplinary profiles who are part of the global innovation landscape. We place great importance on our network of alumni, whose paths are particularly rich and varied. Many exchanges and events are organized to develop this community. For us, the human element is at the centre of everything, and this is especially true when it comes to our students, who are our top priority. 


Entrepreneur et investisseur - CEO

@ Jumbo Privacy


Social designer and user researcher

@ Think of us, California


Consultante Senior & ImpACT Lab Manager

@ EY & Fabernovel


Entrepreneur pour la mobilité des personnes en situation de handicap

@ Omni (CEO & Co-founder)


Consultant - Lead UX / Service Designer

@ PwC


UX Researcher & UX Designer

@ ipsos


Chef de projet innovation publique

@ Ministère du travail


Ingénieur armement et études besoins amonts

@ Ministère des Armées


Manager I Sustainable innovation, strategy & designManager

@ Frog

Our partner companies

Each year, between 2 and 4 partner companies engage our student teams on an annual project. Relations with the partner company are weekly. Students must provide value and answers to its questions while offering a fresh and relevant perspective. 


Logo Suez
Logo Edenred
Logo engie
Logo Omnicell
Logo France Pare-brise
Logo Rohde & Schwarz
Logo UCB pharma
Logo partenaire Medicas

Examples of projects completed since 2009

Sécuriser le traitement des patients atteints de maladie chronique.

# Santé


Réinventer la salle de bain pour les seniors.

# Seniors


Améliorer l’expérience de visualisation des données pour les agriculteurs.

# Technologie


Créer le tableau de bord des véhicules autonomes de demain.

# Seniors


An international program

The Paris was created based on the model and by the teams of the at Stanford University. This historic partnership continues through the collaboration of student and teaching teams, as well as events and conferences. 

3 trips

The program includes three international trips of discovery and exploration, including one to the at Stanford University and San Francisco to immerse oneself in the mindset of Silicon Valley and meet the community of entrepreneurs and innovators. 

International partner team

Throughout the program, each of our student teams works in partnership with an international team from our network of partner universities. 

Network events

The year is punctuated by 3 international events. At the launch where all teams meet, mid-year at the partner team’s location, and at the end of the program during a presentation in San Francisco with all students from around the world. 

Other questions?

The jobs directly targeted by the program are management positions such as: 

Innovation Project Manager; Innovation Manager; Designer, Service Designer, Product Designer, UX/UI Designer; Consultant; User Researcher; Entrepreneur; Innovation Project Officer; Trainer, Coach or Facilitator; Session Designer… 

If you are coming to complete your bac+5 or post-master’s degree, you can apply for all the jobs targeted by your initial paths with an “innovation” dimension and additional experience. 

For example, a former student engineer in industrial engineering was able to directly join the international innovation supply chain management of a large company. 

Yes, our students receive an RNCP title of level 7 (equivalent to a bac +5), recognized by the French Ministry of Labour. This is equivalent to a Master 2 level. It is registered and can be consulted at this address: 

  • Send your CV and a cover letter to
  • Then there are two interviews in French and English (don’t worry, you don’t need to be bilingual to join us!)
  • Program cost: approximately €3800 all inclusive
  • Registration deadline: July 15th
  • The school year starts in mid-September
  •  until the last month of the training. 

The program is suitable for those who wish to become entrepreneurs in the future. However, it is not possible to do the ME310 program on an entrepreneurship project (without a partner company). Special arrangements can be made on a case-by-case basis. 

The year costs approximately €3,835, with all other expenses (travel, transportation, etc.) covered by the 

Here, the role of the teaching team is not limited to teaching innovation. Above all, they create the best conditions for innovation to take place. This involves designing methods, tools, and teaching materials, creating spaces and project briefs with partner companies, and coordinating the international community of teachers and students. 

The two people that students interact with on a daily basis are: 

We regularly welcome experts in their field for a course, workshop, or conference: 

  • A grant (capped at €10,000 per year for all applications submitted) is awarded based on the study of the application file. 
  • Pôle emploi assistance is available as the training is certifying. 
  • It is possible to receive unemployment benefits in the event of a change in career or at the end of an apprenticeship. 
  • It is also possible to finance the program through the CPF account via 

Yes, we can provide you with an internship agreement

6-8 avenue Blaise Pascal
77420 Champs-sur-Marne
01 64 15 38 55